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About Timios Prodromos Publishers

Timios Prodromos publishes works on Mental Prayer and Hesychasm both on the Internet, through the courtesy of Blogspot, and in hard copy.
Timios Prodromos has already published The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, a work by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). Full details can be found at the link given above or in the right margin.
Timios Prodromos has also published To the Caesareans… , Scholia on Ecclesiastes  and the Gnostic Chapters of St Diadochos of Photiki on the Internet.
These are new English translations from the original Greek by Fr Theophanes (Constantine), although in the case of the Gnostic Chapters on the basis of a prior translation by the anonymous blogger 'Orthodox Monk'.
To the Caesareans… is a letter that was until recently ascribed to St Basil the Great. It was listed as Letter 8 of his collected correspondence. The letter is now generally ascribed to Evagrius Ponticus and thought to be written by him when he was Archdeacon of St Gregory the Theologian in Constantinople at the age of 35. The letter contains both a defence of Nicene Orthodoxy, in the form of a commentary on a chain of scripture passages, and further commentary in a more Evagrian vein. The work is considered an important, seminal work for the study of issues related to the orthodoxy or not of Evagrius. Fr Theophanes has now prepared a revision of his original work.
Scholia on Ecclesiastes is a shorter work of scriptural commentary by the mature Evagrius. It is useful in the study of the relation between the doctrines contained in the Kephalaia Gnostica and in Evagrius’ known works of scriptural commentary.
The Gnostic Chapters, dated about 450 AD and contained in Volume I of the Philokalia, is a seminal work in the Orthodox tradition of the Jesus Prayer.  It contains the first recorded reference to the Jesus Prayer, indicating that it is through the grace of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism that the ascetic attains to the automatic repetition of the Prayer even in sleep.  It is the basis of much of the Hesychastic tradition of the Orthodox Church.
For further information, please contact timiosdotprodromos at gmaildotcom.


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